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Monday, January 19, 2015

Feedback about a dance teacher

Dance for a new vision
Davina from Haiti, danced at Phoenix,United States
Dance is the art of movement of the body, usually rhythmically and to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures. "A dance" is any one prescribed sequence of such movements, or the music to which it is performed, or an event at which it takes place.Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication.
Dance can be categorized and described in various ways. It may be analysed purely by its choreography, its repertoire of movements, or it may be classified according to its time or place of origin. Yet study reveals many generic similarities in many different times and places.Archeological evidence for early dance includes 9,000 year old paintings in India at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures, dated 3300 Before Christ the invention of written languages, dance was a more important method of passing stories down from generation to generation.
Many contemporary dance forms can be traced back to historical, traditional, ceremonial, and ethnic dance.Although dance is often accompanied by music, it can also be performed without music, or it may provide its own audible accompaniment as in tap dance. When performed with music, dance may or may not be performed in time to the music
Today dance studies are offered through the arts and humanities programs of many higher education institutions, leading to Bachelor of Arts and higher academic degrees. A dance study curriculum may encompass a diverse range of courses and topics, including dance practice and performance, choreography,ethnochoreology, dance notation, and dance therapy.Professional dancers are usually employed on contract or for particular performances or productions. The professional life of a dancer is generally one of constantly changing work situations, strong competitive pressure and low pay. Consequently, professional dancers often must supplement their incomes to achieve financial stability.
In its most general sense, dancing is the art of moving the human body consists of a sequence of ordered movements, often punctuated by music (singing and / or instrument).The dances are based either on a defined set of movements devoid of specific meaning, as often in ballet or European traditional dances, or on a gesture inspired by a secular or religious symbolism, sometimes tending towards a kind of mime and pantomime as in many Asian dances. Sometimes it is intended to result in a trance.
According to the dances, the people and the times when they are or have been executed, dance has separate reasons and ways to practice, very revealing lifestyle and society.Dance can be an art, a ritual or entertainment. It expresses ideas and emotions or tell a story. The dance usually a direct relationship history with the other arts (music, painting, sculpture, etc.)
The body can make all kinds of actions like turning, bending, stretching, or jump. By combining according to different dynamics, one can invent an infinite number of different movements. The body passes the object state, it is used to express the emotions of the dancer through her movements, art becomes the master of the body.

Dance is the firstborn of the arts. Music and poetry flow over time; the visual arts and architecture shape space. But the dance lives both in space and time. Before handing his emotions to the stone, the verb, sound, man uses his own body to organize the space and time to rhythm. Early indications on the performance of dances date back to prehistoric times, the Paleolithic cave paintings which attest to the existence of primitive dances.

This is primarily a ceremonial act and ritual, addressed to a superior entity to:
tempt fate (rain dance)
give courage (war dance or hunting)
please the gods (ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman)
The primitive dance, coupled with songs and music, was probably also the ability to bring the participants into a trance.

The dance technique is conventionally based on the relationship between movement and music. Conventionally distinguished between work execution of the dance (dancer), the work of interpretation (a dancer) and the work of creating the work (choreographer).
The technique of the dancer based on the combination of three elements: the occupation of space, rhythm and time, and the movement of the body. Body movement includes in particular the energy generating elements, balance to achieve shape to the body.
In many traditions (including western classical dance), the technique of the dance consists in learning and repeating movements listed in order to gain mastery and perfection.
Contemporary dance has introduced the concept of improvisation, which is however itself uses improvisation techniques
Creation of a dance show as a whole is the choreography that uses techniques of staging and composition.